We live in a time for growth- of greenery. The overwhelming desire to have and to hold plants has taken over. The plant world has made its way into the homes of many. This is often credited to the bona fide social media star known as the succulent.
They accommodated for the desired aesthetic while resonating with an overall greener world. Many millennials choose to follow a greener path. Some claim to delay having children and replaced the desire to nurture with plant care. This is just one reason why knowing what to do with plants once you have them is so important. The key to plant care is the knowledge that backs it. It’s time to go green.
You CAN Care for Plants.
Here’s the deal. Anyone can care for plants when they follow the right steps. Your plant replicates what you put into it. With a little love and investment, a plant will flourish. For those first-time plant parents, don’t stress. Plants are supposed to be there to help reduce stress, not add to it. It is completely normal for leaves to have yellow discoloration or for leaves to dry up. It is just a sign that your plant needs a little extra care and attention.
It is all about making time for your plants. Make them a part of your daily routine. Taking care of houseplants is relatively simple and can easily be incorporated as a form of morning meditation. Often plants die due to too much water or sunlight. This is more common than suffering from the lack of watering. Everything in moderation also applies to plant care.
How to Keep Your Plant Alive Once You Have It
Plants need four basic tools to keep them alive and thriving: air, water, nutrients, and sunlight. It doesn’t seem like too much to ask. Keeping yourself alive and thriving requires much more time and effort. In order to keep your plant alive once you have it, you have to make it a part of your routine. Plants just need a little attention, but don’t we all?
Know what you are working with. Are you looking for how to care for holiday plants or everyday potted plants? It is important to look into the variety you plan on purchasing. What are that specific plant’s needs when it comes to lighting, required watering and fertilizing?
When it comes to lighting, consider the plant’s placement. Does it require full sun or diffused lighting? This all boils down to the plant's location, location, location. You may just have to adjust its placement to ensure better health.
Important aspects to consider when it comes to plant care are watering and proper drainage. Avoid over or under watering your plants by creating a calendar. This will help you keep track of your watering routine and will help you stay accountable for your plants’ well-being.
If you still aren’t sure if you are watering your plants enough, there is a simple and easy way to check. Insert your finger down an inch into the soil. If there is soil left on your figure, your plant is hydrated. If not, your plant needs to be watered. This will work for most plant varieties.
Most pots and containers have holes at the base for drainage purposes. If your plant’s container doesn’t have a hole for drainage, you can manually drill holes into the bottom of the container. Keep in mind, your plant may have soil with aeration added into it, so drainage holes wouldn’t be necessary.
Not all plants are created equal for every home or for every circumstance. It is important to talk with your local florist about which plant will work best for you and the area you plan on putting it. Do your homework to ensure the best life for your plant.
Dos and Don'ts for a Thriving Plant.
Do take time to learn about the plant you have chosen. Each plant will have different needs in order to thrive. Do listen to your local florist. They are there to help with both basic plant care and advanced knowledge. The care and handling tips they offer will help ensure your plant’s longevity.
A helpful reminder to both you and your plants is to take care of yourself and stay hydrated. It is important to remove your plant’s dead leaves and pay attention to any withering pieces that may need to be removed. Additionally important is ensuring your plants are hydrated. Your plant’s hydration needs may not reflect your own. This is just another reason why knowing what to do and when to do it is important when it comes to plant care.
Plant the Seed and Watch It Grow.
Be careful. You may just catch a case of the green thumb. Although taking care of plants adds to your list of responsibilities, there are so many positives when it comes to incorporating them into your household and day-to-day life.
Not only do plants help reduce stress, but they also help with overall mental health. They bring the outdoors in. A person’s life is spent primarily indoors. Often, it can affect a person’s connection to nature and all its benefits. This is where plants come in.
By bringing some of the natural beauty indoors, it is both a mood booster and natural detox. Studies show that the air indoors can be more toxic than on the street. By incorporating plants and natural elements into your home, you’ll be doing something for both your health and well-being. Plus, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing how to keep a plant alive.
Plant those seeds and watch them grow. Caring for plant life makes for a better life. The time to care for plants is now, and our team at Bouquet Florist and Gifts in West Sacramento, CA is here to help.